Do I Need a Personal Accountant? A Guide for Small Business Owners

Most college kids don’t have assets to their name, nor do they have any income. However, people who are preparing to send their birdies flying off into the world of college need to make sure that their kids are financially “clean” and…

The Significance of Construction Bookkeeping for

She specializes in particular on the payments and accounts payable side, making sure costs are properly allocated to jobs and payables are maintained for proper cash flow planning. Most accountants were never trained in the unique requirements…

Income smoothing and the cost of debt

There are many reasons why a company would choose to engage in income smoothing. These may include decreasing its taxes, attracting new investors, or as part of a strategic business move. When a company uses a special charge such as restructuring…

What is Gross Merchandise Value GMV? How GMV Works w Examples

The most simple formula to calculate GMV for a digital marketer or anyone else inside the company is to take the sales price of a product (i.e. piece of merchandise) and multiply it by the number of products sold. You could do this for a single…

Firm Finances: Bookkeeping, Accounting, and KPIs 2023

ContentFinancial KPIs Allow You to Monitor and ReadjustSort Out Your BudgetEasily Pay Your Contractors Using Gustolaw firm accounting obstacles to take note of That’s why we’ve taken it upon ourselves to review a wide range of tools for…

#1 Free Straight Line Depreciation Calculator

ContentStraight Line Depreciation RateTo figure out the value of your businessExample of a Change in the Estimated Useful Life of an AssetWhat Is Straight Line Basis?Visualizing the Balances in Equipment and Accumulated DepreciationHow does…

Why Business Leaders Should Prepare For The Shift To Decentralization

Management had recently identified these as encouraging entrepreneurial initiative, coordinating global customers, managing local governments, and centralizing common operating activities. Sometimes, addressing the three questions can spark…

How to Outsource Your Bookkeeping Bench Accounting

ContentWhy Business Owners are Moving Away from Outsourced BookkeepingWe offer these services, amongst others:Step 4: Set up communication channelsHow to Outsource Your Bookkeeping In 2022 (Full Guide)Small Business Owner’s Equity Guide We…

Sober Celebrities: 36 Celebs who've Embraced Sobriety

In an interview with The Guardian in February 2022, the iconic Glee star, who struggles with alcohol addiction, revealed she had gotten sober for a second time after relapsing several years prior. It’s because she’s battled alcoholism,…

Client Billing: 7 Ways To Make It Fast and Easy

Luckily, managing subscriptions is a piece of cake in Clients & Billing. Bill Every and No. of Billing Cycles only appear if you’ve selected Recurring as the type. We already did that, but I’ll show you how to manually add a product…