The engine has to start to idle and accelerate and decelerate within agreed, or mandated, times while remaining within operating limits (shaft speeds, turbine temperature, combustor casing pressure) over the required aircraft operating envelope. A common use of the HAZOP is relatively early through the detailed design of a plant or process. However, it can also be applied at other stages, including later operational life of existing plants, in which case it is usefully applied as a revalidation tool to ensure that unduly managed changes have not crept in since first plant start-up. Interoperability can have a significant impact on the organizations concerned, raising issues of ownership (do people want to share their data? or are they dealing with information silos?), labor relations (are people prepared to undergo training?) and usability. In this context, a more apt definition is captured in the term business process interoperability. The U.S. government is making an effort to overcome the nation’s lack of public safety interoperability.

At this level, interoperability issues center on harmonizing world views, strategies, doctrines, and force structures. Interoperability is an element of coalition willingness to work together over the long term to achieve and maintain shared interests against common threats. Interoperability at the operational and tactical levels is where strategic interoperability and technological interoperability come together to help allies shape the environment, manage crises, and win wars. The benefits of interoperability at the operational and tactical levels generally derive from the interchangeability of force elements and units. Technological interoperability reflects the interfaces between organizations and systems. Because first responders need to be able to communicate during wide-scale emergencies, interoperability is an important issue for law enforcement, fire fighting, emergency medical services, and other public health and safety departments.

Synonyms and antonyms of operability in the English dictionary of synonyms

If the language uses a different writing system it is almost impossible if no translation tools are available. The Army will not be able to undertake missions at a distance from the home base, because it will not have the air cover essential to its operability. Lego designer Mike Psiaki, who works on a lot of Lego cars, gave the F40 pivoting headlights, a hood that opens forward, and operable doors. There are obviously specific signs for many words available in sign language that are more appropriate for daily usage.

Now with the advanced technology, only the cyst would be removed without harming other tissues. Rather complete removal is done these days, but that depend upon the severity of the cancer. If the cyst is less they will remove only the affected portion and yes they do remove some nearby tissues because there some cancer cells may lay and can arrive again. Operability engineers work in the fields of engine and compressor modeling, control and test to ensure the engine meets its ignition, starting, acceleration, deceleration and over-speed requirements under the most extreme operating conditions. Operability is considered one of the ilities and is closely related to reliability, supportability and maintainability. Operability also refers to whether or not a surgical operation can be performed to treat a patient with a reasonable degree of safety and chance of success.

Word of the Day

The Department of Homeland Security’s Office for Interoperability and Compatibility (OIC) is pursuing the SAFECOM[16] and CADIP and Project 25 programs, which are designed to help agencies as they integrate their CAD and other IT systems. The degree of preparation for the HAZOP is critical to the overall success of the review. “Frozen” design information provided to the team members with time for them to familiarize themselves with the process, an adequate schedule allowed for the performance of the HAZOP, provision of the best team members for their role. Those scheduling a HAZOP should take into account the review scope, the number of nodes to be reviewed, the provision of completed design drawings and documentation and the need to maintain team performance over an extended time-frame. The team members may also need to perform some of their normal tasks during this period and the HAZOP team members can tend to lose focus unless adequate time is allowed for them to refresh their mental capabilities.

  • The program facilitates the global interoperability of devices and systems, provides a way to strengthen standards portfolios, and supports efforts to minimize redundant or conflicting standards.
  • By doing so, Microsoft was able to protect its dominant market position for work group server operating systems, the heart of corporate IT networks.
  • If two or more systems use common data formats and communication protocols then they are capable of communicating with each other and they exhibit syntactic interoperability.
  • If data is interpreted differently, collaboration is limited, takes longer and is inefficient.

Types of interoperability include syntactic interoperability, where two systems can communicate with each other, and cross-domain interoperability, where multiple organizations work together and exchange information. Each of these has an important role in reducing variability in intercommunication software and enhancing a common understanding of the end goal to be achieved. In contrast to the overall national picture, some states, including Utah, have already made great strides forward. The Utah Highway Patrol and other departments in Utah have created a statewide data sharing network. The army will not be able to undertake missions at a distance from the home base, because it will not have the air cover essential to its operability. They investigated diagnostic difficulties in rare congenital anomalies of the heart, especially with regard to the evaluation of their operability.


In addition, standards, such as Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting, Resource Description Framework, and SPARQL, have emerged that also help address the issue of search interoperability related to web resources. Such standards also address broader topics of interoperability, such as allowing data mining. If two or more systems use common data formats and communication protocols then they are capable of communicating with each other and they operability definition exhibit syntactic interoperability. Low-level data formats also contribute to syntactic interoperability, ensuring that alphabetical characters are stored in the same ASCII or a Unicode format in all the communicating systems. Standards-developing organizations provide open public software specifications to facilitate interoperability; examples include the Oasis-Open organization and buildingSMART (formerly the International Alliance for Interoperability).

operability definition

The ability to execute the same binary code on different processor platforms is not contemplated by the definition of interoperability. Increasingly, medical devices like incubators and imaging systems feature software that integrates at the point of care and with electronic systems, such as electronic medical records. Standard implementationSoftware interoperability requires a common agreement that is normally arrived at via an industrial, national or international standard. Force interoperability is defined in NATO as the ability What is operability in software of the forces of two or more nations to train, exercise and operate effectively together in the execution of assigned missions and tasks.

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A major challenge facing industry today is the lack of interoperability between heterogeneous systems. A hazard and operability study (HAZOP) is a structured and systematic examination of a complex system, usually a process facility, in order to identify hazards to personnel, equipment or the environment, as well as operability problems that could affect operations efficiency. The intention of performing a HAZOP is to review the design to pick up design and engineering issues that may otherwise not have been found. The technique is based on breaking the overall complex design of the process into a number of simpler sections called nodes which are then individually reviewed.

operability definition

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As far as user communities, Neutral Third Party is creating standards for business process interoperability. Another example of a neutral party is the RFC documents from the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). The program facilitates the global interoperability of devices and systems, provides a way to strengthen standards portfolios, and supports efforts to minimize redundant or conflicting standards. Interoperability tends to be regarded as an issue for experts and its implications for daily living are sometimes underrated. The European Union Microsoft competition case shows how interoperability concerns important questions of power relationships.

operability definition

This document may be subsequently released to the public, and henceforth becomes an open standard. It is usually published and is available freely or at a nominal cost to any and all comers, with no further encumbrances. The vendors’ products compete on the quality of their implementation, user interface, ease of use, performance, price, and a host of other factors, while keeping the customer’s data intact and transferable even if he chooses to switch to another competing product for business reasons. Operability Operability is the ability to keep an equipment, a system or a whole industrial installation in a safe and reliable functioning condition, according to pre-defined operational requirements.

HAZOP team

This range of data should be explicitly identified and taken as the “design intent” basis for the HAZOP study. For example, a prudent designer will have allowed for foreseeable variations within the process, creating a larger design envelope than just the basic requirements, and the HAZOP will be looking at ways in which this might not be sufficient. The need for plug-and-play interoperability – the ability to take a medical device out of its box and easily make it work with one’s other devices – has attracted great attention from both healthcare providers and industry.

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