Ole Kirk Christiansen began the lego company in 1932 as a father. But the economic despression symptoms of that period prevented him from building houses and he had to search for other ways to earn money. He came up with the concept of making timber toys and named his new provider Lego, a combination of two Danish words: “leg godt, inches meaning “play well. inch

In 1947, Lego produced its 1st large get that would modification its performance. It purchased a plastic injection-molding machine that allowed those to click for more mass-produce different kinds of clear plastic toys. The first 200-plus products included baby rattles, toy tractors and small dolls. Then in 1949, the business started manufacturing what started to be its recognized bricks. They were known as Automatic Binding Bricks plus they were the forerunners with the Lego obstructs that we find out today.

The real key piece of the Lego system clicked in place in 1958 when Christiansen’s son, Kjeld Kirk Kristiansen, invented a particular tube put inside every brick that made it stick with other Profano pieces in nearly endless mixtures. This breakthrough increased the selection and capabilities of the Seglar bricks and allowed kids to create their own creations with these people.

In the nineties, Lego widened into numerous toy classes including electric games and movie-themed gadgets based on popular franchises just like Star Battles, Batman and Harry Knitter. These travels helped to hold the brand relevant and unique, allowing it to maintain a strong global presence. Nevertheless , it also meant that LEGO needed to work to lower the time it was a little while until to bring new releases to market.

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